A Transaction is an object when applied to a store state can produce a new store state.
A transaction is created in Actions (a function that returns a transaction).
In the example below the action incrementCounter
returns a transaction that increments the counter.
const counterField = key.field(0);
// An action is a function that returns a transaction
function incrementCounter(): Transaction {
const transaction = counterField.update((n) => n + 1);
return transaction;
Updating the store state
You can create transaction by calling incrementCounter()
and dispatching it to update the store state.
key.effect((store) => {
const oldValue = counterField.get(store.state);
const newValue = counterField.get(store.state);
console.log(`counter changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);
See Effect for more information on effects.
Adds a step to that modifies the store state.
transaction.step(stepper: (StoreState) => StoreState)
- A function that takes a store state and returns a new modified store state.
- The same transaction object.
function incrementCounter(): Transaction {
const txn = key.transaction();
return txn.step((storeState) => {
const counterValue = counterField.get(storeState);
// field.update returns a transaction
const newTxn = counterField.update(counterValue + 1);
// apply the transaction to the store state to return
// a new store state.
return storeState.apply(newTxn);
See StoreState.apply() for more information on how to updating the store state.